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4/2/19 EHT Computer Science Student Awarded Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship
Egg Harbor Township High School Computer Science student, Samantha Scalese was awarded one of the first Amazon, Future Engineers Scholarships. With this award Samantha will be provided with a generous college tuition award each year as well as an internship beginning her freshman year. Read more about the scholarship and winners:

3/26/19 EHT Computer Science Students Participate in Stockton University and CSTA Programming Competition
On Tuesday, March 26, 2019 Egg Harbor Township Computer Science students participated in the 2nd annual High School Computer Programming Competition at Stockton University. The students competed with over 200 New Jersey high school students. Each team competed to solve eight complex Java Programs in the shortest amount of time while the teachers proctored the test or attended professional development sessions.

3/25/19 Culinary II Students Visit Atlantic Cape Community College
On Monday, March 25, 2019 Egg Harbor Township Culinary II students had an opportunity to visit ACCC and meet with Chef, Kelly McClay. The students learned about the program offerings at the school and toured facilities including their state-of-the-art kitchens, classrooms, and more. The students and the teachers were provided with lunch at the campus restaurant.

3/1/19 Education and Training Nutritionist Guest Speaker
On Friday, March 1, 2019 Shoprite Nutritionist, Victoria Leach visited our Education and Training 3 class to discuss good nutritional habits for pre-school children and high school students. The students were provided with some healthy snack alternatives during the presentation. Two of the students will be presenting a focus on children project that focuses on nutrition at the FCCLA State Conference in March.
3/1/19 Finance Guest Speaker
On Friday, March 1, 2019 Paul Savini visited two of our finance classes to talk to students about finance, investments, and working in the corporate world of business. Paul is setting up his own hedge fund and was able to share many practical experiences about the world of finance with our students.

2/27/19 Interior Design Guest Speaker
On Wednesday, February 27, 2019 Interior designer Susie DiGironimo talked to our students about in-home and commercial design. Mrs. DiGironimo shared with the students the challenges and rewards of being an independent interior designer and entrepreneur. She also shared some of the tasks she has completed over the years.

2/26/19 ALAB Entrepreneurship Fair
On Tuesday, February 26, 2019 the Academy of Law and Business (ALAB) students participated in Egg Harbor Township High School’s 3rd Annual Entrepreneurship Fair. To start off the day Dr. Gruccio opened with her son, Jared, owner of Stock Skinny. Then local business owners Lindsey Passante, Wesley Yakopcic, Tony Dipietro, and Eric Reich presented an interactive Q&A on their personal journey of hard work and education to becoming prosperous business owners. The day concluded with a culminating entrepreneurship themed project in which students were tasked with creating a promotional item for a local business. Local Entrepreneurship Professor Karl Giulian judged the project and sent the students off with an inspirational presentation about becoming an entrepreneur. We are so appreciative of ACCC, Snap Fitness, Reich Asset Management LLC, Voya Financial Advisors, and Fievel and Louise for Embracing, Engaging, and Educating our students.​

12/14/18 EHT High School Computer Science Showcase
On Friday, December 14, 2018 High School Computer Science students in conjunction with Mr. Adam Swift had wonderful Computer Science projects on display. The students showcased independent and collaborative projects they have been working on both in and outside of the their high school Computer Science classes. College and University representatives from Stockton, Drexel University, and The College of New Jersey were on hand to view the student presentations. The students were very knowledgeable and spoke passionately about their projects. projects ranged from virtual reality play zones, to finance programs, study apps, gaming sites, robots, computer builds, advanced programming projects, and much more!

12/12/18 "Coding for All" Alder Middle School Students work with High School Students on Coding
On Wednesday December 12, 2018 Mrs. Kim DeMaggio and the middle school coding students worked with high school students on coding activities. The students had fun with Dash Robots, the Grinch coding activity on code.org, and much more. The students were all able to learn about what coding is and the possibilities of pursuing it for a future career or hobby.

12/08/18 FCCLA Craft Fair
On Saturday, December 8th 2018 The FCCLA club hosted their 2nd annual craft fair. The students and advisors organized the event and several vendors offered items for sale to the EHT community. Proceeds benefit the FCCLA students who anticipate travel for state and national competition this school year.

12/08/18 HackEHT Middle School Hackathon
An event organized by Mr. Adam Swift and Computer Science student, Vicky Zheng, offered Fernwood Avenue and Alder Avenue middle school students an opportunity to participate in Computer Science activities at the Egg Harbor Township High School. Over 30 students participated in the inaugural event, where the students collaborated with high school students to learn new Computer Science programs, attend specific Computer Science workshops, and compete in a challenge with their peers. Many high school Computer Science students were on hand to assist with the event.

12/05/18 ALAB Students Visit Wall Street and the US Supreme Court in New York City
On December 5, 2018 the Academy of Business and Law students went on a field trip to New York City. Their first stop was the New York Supreme Court where students had the opportunity to learn about court procedures and view an armed robbery court proceeding. After the Supreme Court students visited many stops on a Wall Street tour including the 9-11 Memorial, Freedom Tower, the Charging Bull Statue, and Trinity church (including Alexander Hamilton’s place of burial. ​

11/30/18 ALAB Seniors Visit Rowan University Business School
​The Academy of Law and Business senior class went on an exciting field trip visit to Rowan University’s Rohrer College of Business on Friday, November 30, 2018. Dr. Santos was the guest speaker for the students and had an engaging question and answer session with our students about being entrepreneurs. The visit then followed up with a visit to Studio 231, the university’s all discipline makerspace, where the students had an opportunity to explore and learn about some of the ways Business students are using a "Maker" and STEAM environment to expand their business ideas.

11/14/18 ALAB Students Participate in Junior Achievement's Career Success Workshop
On Wednesday, November 14, 2018 The Academy of Law and Business students participated in Junior Achievement​’s Career Success Workshop. Our students joined 50 other students from surrounding schools to learn how to conduct a job search, respond to common interview questions, and build their personal brand.​ Students were divided into 15 break out groups which were led by Stockton student volunteers. The workshop also included a presentation on networking, resumes, and cover letters from Jeff Burkhardt an entrepreneur and business consultant.

11/13/18 Future Business Leaders of America Host Southern Regional Summit
On Tuesday, November 13, 2018 Egg Harbor Township students along with the NJ FBLA Vice President, Mubeen Momodu, hosted the Southern Regional Summit for ten different New Jersey Schools in the high school auditorium. The students participated in networking activities throughout the day that promoted key FBLA leadership skills. The day also featured several guest speakers including assemblyman, Vince Mazzeo, NJ FBLA President Garret Koch, and the high school principal, Dr. Terry Charlton.

10/24/18 High School 8th Grade Orientation Night for Students and Parents
On Wednesday, October 24, 2018 Career and Technical Education students and staff spoke to incoming students and parents about the CTE and Academy of Law and Business course offerings at the high school. We also had several CTE academic programs and clubs participate in the showcase portion of the evening where parents and students were able to learn more about our programs and clubs.

10/24/18 Middle School Students at NJSBA and US Army STEAM Tank Competition
Students in the Alder Avenue STEAM classes or club participated in the state STEAM tank competition on October 24, 2018. The students presented their creative STEAM presentation and projects to solve a real-world problem to a panel of subject-matter experts and a large conference audience. We had five groups of students qualify to present at the state level. Two elementary level and three at the middle school level.

10/10/18 EHT Parent Camp Embrace
The first of three Fall Parent Camps took place on October 10, 2018. #ehtpride Embrace offered parents and staff the opportunity to support and embrace EHT students with multiple resources and strategies for best meeting student needs. Community service providers were in attendance as well and offered tables for parents to learn more about their programs. EHT Parent Camp Engage and EHT Parent Camp Educate will take place on October 22nd and November 1st respectively.

9/29/18 #EHTPRIDE Festival
The first annual #ehtpride festival took place on Saturday, September, 29, 2018. Students, teachers, coaches, club advisors, administration, and the community came out to learn more about the many programs, clubs, and activities offered in the EHT school district. @ehtnjcte represented well with students from STEAM classes, ALAB, FCCLA, FBLA, Middle school technology, and more showcasing some of the great tools, projects, and activities offered through their programs.​

9/24/18 Rich Kiker Presents Google's Applied Digital Skills
Google's Applied Digital Skills is offered to district staff and other EHT educators. On Monday, September 24, 2018, Google partner, Rich Kiker of Kiker Learning shared with the district and neighboring district staff a new resource for Google, the Google Applied Digital Skills designed to offer students self-paced modules to support 21st century career-ready skills.