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On Friday, March 16, 2018 Egg Harbor Township high school Computer Science students participated in the Computer Science Teacher Association (CSTA) and Stockton University Computer Science programming competition. Eighteen Egg Harbor Township high school students participated in a competitive programming event against two hundred other high school teams from across the state. The students were given eight sophisticated coding exercises to complete in a set amount of time. Two of our Computer Science teachers, Mr. Adam Swift, Mr. John Ohlsen, Kathi Clayton, and Dr. Graham were also in attendance as members of the South Jersey Computer Science Teacher's association chapter.
On Sunday, April 15, 2018 More than 50 guests were treated to a runway presentation on April 15th at Harbor Pines Country Club in Egg Harbor Township. Fashions of the latest spring trends were featured in the event were sponsored by Carina Boutiques located in the Atlantic City Casino’s. Mrs. Tucci’s fashion students from Egg Harbor Township High School inaugurated its first fashion show featuring the latest in women’s spring and summer attire. The newest trends included embroidered graphics and embellishments on jeans, t-shirts, motto jackets, dresses, belts, hats and shoes. Fashion revivals from the 70’s and 80’s making a comeback included the maxi dress, jumpsuits and rompers, featuring large botanical and geometric prints, ruffles and gems of the season. Not only did the high school students get to experience the behind the scenes making of a fashion show, they learned the walk, the lingo, and the latest glam in hair and makeup. The theme of the show honored women who have made significant contributions and inspirations throughout history. It also highlighted how instrumental women have been in all areas of the fashion industry.
Featured Video: Computer Science in EHT

​Seven students presented projects at the NJ FCCLA State Leadership Conference on March 28-29, 2018. The students competed in Chapter Service Project, organized by Aidan Bevilacqua who held a bowling fundraiser for Fisher House. He was awarded a first place gold medal for his efforts. Stefania Piantadosi and Samantha Donnelly competed in National Programs, Community Service which focused on raising awareness of women’s cancers and were awarded a first place silver medal. Maksim Berlenbach received a gold medal with his Illustrated Talk about teenagers and Caffeine. Alyse Miller and Quiara Correa received gold for their Food Innovations project, Vegan Shepherd’s Pie. Samantha Donnelly also competed in Storybook Ethics along with Anne Rutledge which also was awarded a gold medal. Five students reached the required level to represent NJ at the FCCLA National Conference in Atlanta, Georgia this summer.

The high school TSA Engineering team of Sheikh R. Mahmud, Katherine Dinh, Selena Zheng, and Shivani Acharya participated in the state TSA competition on April 14, 2018. These ladies were actively involved in the design of a computer interface for the conference which was held at TCNJ in Ewing, NJ. The students created an 8 port computer interface, which is a subset of RS-232. The interface was operated and accessed with P-Basic from ports 768 to 775. The successful design of the device would be used to manage load control and sequencing. They were the first all-girl engineering team from EHT. Parents were very supportive and quite interested to know where things go from here. Congratulations to all of them!.

On Wednesday March 14, 2018 the US Army representatives came in to speak with current Computer Science and Medical Science Academy students about careers in STEM and scholarship opportunities available through the US Army Minuteman Scholarship and the Department of Defense Scholarship. The presenters also shared March2Success, a free ACT and SAT preparation program. The students were given information about medical procedures that the students can be exposed to and given examples of what army medics do as compared to medical doctors. Information about the US Army and New Jersey School Boards Association annual STEAM tank competition was also shared with the students.

On Wednesday February 28, 2018 Ms. Christina Amey and Mr. Bruce Turner from the American Institute of Architects visited the Egg Harbor Township Computer Aided Drafting and Design class to speak with the students about careers in architecture and some of the software and other technology tools they use to complete client projects.

On Friday February 23, 2018 Academy of Law and Business students participated in an entrepreneurship fair. The students had guest speakers that ranged from food truck owners, to a baseball performance entrepreneur, ACCC Business and Entrepreneurship departmental staff, and current practicing attorneys. The day also featured a Shark tank activity where students were partnered, given a product, and were given 10 minutes to create a 1 minute elevator pitch to sell the product to the guest entrepreneurs team of investors.

On Thursday February 22, 2018 a representative from the New Jersey Institute of Technology came in to speak with our students about the technology and design program opportunities offered at NJIT.

On Thursday February 22, 2018 Students across the district were exposed to various technology related activities in multiple content areas. Students K-12 participated in activities that included tracking circulation motion with OZBots, using Snap program to program Finch robots, creating a Fakebook for a former president and a virtual tour of the White House using Google Art and Culture, tracking fitness using the My fitness pal app website and Google Sheets, programming with bloxels, using Google Expeditions ad VR goggles to tour the great wall of China, and using Flipgrid to make a presidential decision in 2nd grade.

On Tuesday February 20, 2018 high school students participated in a CTE ice cream social where they learned about various programs and classes in the Egg Harbor Township high school CTE department and the career and technical student organizations affiliated with these programs. The students enjoyed ice cream and had a chance to speak with current students of the programs.

On Thursday February 1, 2018 CTE and other elective students participated in a high school elective fair. Current CTE students spoke with 9th - 11th grade students about all the CTE courses have to offer and activities that take place in those courses.

On Friday, January 26, 2018 Dr. Graham and two CTE teachers Kathi Clayton and Mary Ann Cassidy Hayes attended the Techspo conference in Atlantic City, NJ where they spoke about various STEAM technology that they have used in their technology classes and after school clubs to initiate the maker mindset in students. They also piloted several different technology resources including the Humming Bird, Pi Top, OZobot robots, the green screen, and Classroom virtual reality sets. The classroom VR sets allow the students to view supplemental videos related to topics they are studying in their curriculums.

On Wednesday December 20, 2017 Mr. Adam Swift and the Computer Science Students hosted their inaugural Computer Science showcase event. College representatives from Drexel University, Rowan University, and the College of New Jersey came to the high school media center to view student projects and give the students advice about the expectation of Computer Science students at the university level. Many of the students expanded their knowledge gained in their Computer Science classes and presented independent projects that required them to demonstrate high level computing and Mathematical concepts. Mr. Swift and his students put on an impressive showcase. Everyone in attendance was impressed by the project development and presentation of the concepts by the students.

Students from 6th grade are getting a small taste of app design for mobile Android devices. Using MIT App Inventor and an Android emulator, students followed a tutorial on how to make an app that would use text-to-speech. The emulator simulates what the app would look like on an Android phone. Some of the projects included students making the app recite the song from "Bob the Builder" to reciting a recipe. While most students programmed the app to recite a sentence that they came up with.

On Saturday, December 16, 2017 The Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) students and advisors hosted their first craft fair. Over thirty vendors participated in the event despite the winter weather. The Egg Harbor Township school district family and surrounding community enjoyed holiday shopping, snacks, and live music. Proceeds from the event will go to support student activities in the FCCLA club.

Family and Consumer Science teachers stand out in the high school holiday door decorating contest. The Education and Training "Whoville" Preschool door earned second place overall.

​On Saturday, November 18, 2017, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) students took time out to lend a helping hand at the Community Food Bank of New Jersey. The students supported the organization’s charitable cause by helping to package meals for families in need during the holiday season.

Saturday Nov. 18 - Sunday Nov. 19th was StockHack II, Stockton University's Hackathon for college and high school students. There were 85 participants (25 from Egg Harbor Township high school) split into 28 teams for this event. The challenge presented to each team was to develop an innovative product - mobile app, website, wearable, etc.
Egg Harbor Township High School computer science students were extremely successful winning 4 of the possible 5 awards.

Egg Harbor Township high school students and faculty shared programs, academic clubs, and activities during the annual 8th grade orientation night. Students and parents received an overview of the many opportunities offered to students at Egg Harbor Township high school.

Egg Harbor Township teachers participate in SRI and ETTC's Digital Learning Summit at Stockton University on November 1, 2017. Three of our teachers presented on technology-related topics that can be used to support student learning and understanding of content. Including Breakout EDU, Virtual Reality with Coder Spaces, Coding for Middle School with Code.org’s Computer Science Discoveries Curriculum and Google CS First, and Google Sites for Student Portfolio Development. Other teachers attended sessions where they learned about new digital tools and strategies that could be used in their classrooms to support knowledge acquisition by students for literacy, technology, and more.

The South Jersey Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) met on November 8, 2017. Several CTE teachers attended. Valuable information was shared by President, Adam Swift about legislation related to Computer Science, Upcoming events for Computer Science teachers and more. Kathi Clayton, vice president of the chapter, Gavin MacNeil, Mary Ann Cassidy Hayes, and Eileen Duff were also in attendance. A former EHT student Josh Davidson, now CEO of a lucrative technology company shared some insight as to approaches we should take for educating Computer Science students to help them build a specialization and become more marketable.

7th ​grade students, Krisha Patel and Sadia Rahman, with the coordination of their teacher, Kristen Zompa competed at the STEAM Tank state finals on Wednesday, October 25th at the Atlantic City Convention Center. They presented their invention, "A Creation for the Braced", that helps people with Scoliosis get in and out of bed while wearing a back brace. The competition was hosted by the NJ School Board Association and the US Army. The girls' project was selected to compete at the regional competition in May, and they were one of six teams from their regional competition that advanced to the finals. The results will be announced at the NJEA Convention, where "A Creation for the Braced" will be on display.

FCCLA students participated in The American Cancer Society Making Strides against Breast Cancer walk held in Ocean City, NJ on Sunday, October 15, 2017. EHTHS FCCLA collected donations for the cause. The team captain, Stefania, created this team as an outreach project for breast cancer awareness. Not only is the team raising funds for the American Cancer Society, but they are also developing leadership skills and learning ways to give back to the community and organizations that have widespread impact. It was great day on the Ocean City Boardwalk! FCCLA set a goal to raise $500 and they raised $600!
The Education and Training students began their job shadow experience today. Our high school students are working with teachers from the ALder Avenue Middle school and the Dr. Joyann D. Miller school to gain valuable experience in the classroom working with school-aged children.

The ABC Learning Center joined the Egg Harbor Township high school students and teachers for their first day of school on Tuesday October 11, 2017. Our three and four year old children and the high school students are excited to begin their new journey of teaching and learning together during the 2017-18 school year.

A small group of ALAB students and academy teacher, Mr. Bryan Jones participated in the Business partnership breakfast, which was hosted by Superintendent, Dr. Kim Gruccio at the Alder Avenue Elementary School on Thursday October 5, 2017. The event was attended by local business and community members who partner with our schools on various projects. We are looking to expand the business relationships and continue to find relevant experiences for our students to participate in.
Sept. 13
EHTHS Back to School Night
Sept. 24
Applied Digital Skills with Rich Kiker EHT Board Room

Dr. Carmelita Graham
24 High High School Drive
Egg Harbor Townsip, NJ 08234
​Tel: 609-653-0100
Sept. 29
#ehtpride Festival EHTHS