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2/16/21 Culinary Classes are Visited by ACCC Chef Recruiter
Our culinary classes enjoyed a virtual visit with the chef recruiter from ACCC School of Culinary Arts on Tuesday, February 16th. Michael Butler, EHT 2009, talked to the students about the admission process and the courses available at the school. He took us on a walking tour of their culinary labs, classrooms and restaurant and we were able to view students in action. Many of the chef instructors stopped to explain the lesson of the day and answered questions. They demonstrated the use of their smoker, wok, pulled sugar decorations and also how to make chocolate butterflies for dessert plates.

2/22/21Child Development Classes Participate in NJDOE Walkthrough for CTE Month
On Monday, February 22, 2021 The Child Development Level 4 students had visitors, Dr. Michele Doughty and Mr. Micah Bender from the NJ Department of Education Office of CTE, as part of the departments virtual walkthrough of NJ CTE programs during career and technical education month. Mrs. McGinty instructed the students on the use of Folktales and other storytelling techniques to teach our preschool students. Sample high school student's lesson plans, which utilized storytelling techniques and additional instructional strategies as outlined in the preschool Creative Curriculum, was shared with our guests.

2/17/21 Academy of Law and Business - Business Law Discovery Day
On Wednesday, February 17, 2021 the Academy of Law and Business students participated in the 5th annual Business and Law Discovery Day. Cohort A students participated in person and students who were virtual participated through Google Meet. Students heard from various speakers online including practicing attorney, Stephanie Pedrick, judiciary law clerk, Khendel Ruffin, and publishing company entrepreneurs, Deirdre and Gary Smerillo.

2/3/21 ABC Learning Center Converts to District Preschool Program
On Wednesday, February 3, 2021 our youngest EHTHS students began their preschool journey in our new high school preschool classroom. The district received the preschool expansion grant allowing preschoolers in the township to attend preschool full day and free of charge. Current preschool classrooms are housed at Slaybaugh Primary School, EHT High School, and our partner school, The Garden State Academy. The new preschool expansion grant allows students who previously participated in our half day preschool lab, ABC Learning Center, for three and four year old's to participate in a full day program.
1/15/21 Academy of Law and Business Alumni Speak to ALAB Seniors
On Friday, January 15th Academy of Law and Business alumni, Nabila Sudha and Camille Howarth from the academy's first graduating class joined in to speak with our current ALAB seniors. The alumni, who are both currently attending law school had great advice for our current students whether they decided to attend college close to home or planned to go further away. One key term that both students echoed consistently was the importance of networking and making connections with students, professors, and anyone they encounter. The alumni also shared how much being a part of the four year high school academy stood out on their resume and served as a great taking points for them throughout their college career.

1/13/21 Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronautics Brandon Weiss Speaks to Electrical Engineering
On Wednesday, January 13th, Brandon Weiss from the Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronautics provided a presentation on the aviation industry to our Electrical Engineering students. Our students learned that at PIA, students are trained to work in the industry of robotics, aviation, aeronautics, and STEM occupations that grab your attention. Mr. Weiss, focused attention to graduates who work in this amazing industry that far exceeds an average expectation. The list of well-rounded technicians is endless with an unusually motivating list of companies that support the school’s objective to advance engineering and science in a way that promotes gainful employment (affordably priced).​ The connection to PIA with aviation careers and the demand for future employees in the field was also discussed.

12/3/20 Future Business Leaders of America Holds Instruction Ceremony
On December 3rd the annual EHT Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Induction Ceremony occurred virtually! The ceremony is dedicated to new members by officially inducting them into the club and starting their journey in FBLA. Aditya Reddy the New Jersey FBLA president was our opening speaker where he talked about all the amazing opportunities FBLA has to offer, along with his personal experience as a member like the newly inducted ones today. After the induction process, the members played a Kahoot about the general history of FBLA and the school's chapter. Members were then presented with a business breakout room challenge, which tested their problem solving, team work, and presentation skills. Congratulations to our new members!

10/2/20 EHT CTE Teachers Continue with Virtual Instruction and Plan for Hybrid Transition
The 2020-2021 school year began in full virtual learning mode. Some CTE teachers took to the classroom to deliver their virtual instruction. Teachers utilized classroom resources to do modeling and demos for the students.

Spotlight on Computer Science Students
9/8/20 Computer Science Partner with Kean University to Teach Girls Ages 7-12 Coding
Julie Chen & Karen Nguyen partnered with Kean University and were funded by the National Center for Women and Information Technology to host their own week long coding program. Their workshop, Aspiring Programmers, provided 20 young students (grades 2nd-7th throughout the state) the opportunity to learn about computer science.
9/8/20 EHT Computer Science Seniors Intern at FAA this Summer
Two of our current seniors Julie Chen ('21) and Samantha Phung ('21) interned at the FAA this past summer. Students were assigned to selective branches under the Aviation Research Division at the FAA. Alongside the tasks that their managers assigned to them, the students were able to attend PMO workshops, take a wide variety of courses including an Introduction to Aviation and Aeronautics, and participate in other soft skill training workshops.​ EHTHS class of 2020 graduates Nathan Ho & Alexander Nouragas also participated in the program.

9/8/20 EHT CTE Teachers Begin Virtual Instruction, Some Teach From Classroom
The 2020-2021 school year began in full virtual learning mode. CTE teachers use modeling, online simulations and software programs, and interactive and presentation tools to present information to the students and teach lab and equipment safety. Stem students used the engineering design principle to design a ID holder, Wood Technology students focus on equipment safety, while Education ad Training students plan their

7/31/20 EHT Virtual Summer Aviation Program
The EHT summer aviation continued in its second year in virtual style during the summer of 2020. While many area school programs are in a COVID-19 holding pattern, the Aviation Program at Egg Harbor Township High School is gaining propulsion. Refusing to be grounded by the virus, the school district is appealing to the aviation interests of middle school students by offering a four-week online course that includes zoom presentations by professionals in the field.
Read the Press of Atlantic City Article

7/3/20 FBLA Students participate in National Leadership Conference in a virtual format

Feb. 17
ALAB Business Discovery Day
Mar. 12
District Professional Development Day (Half Day)

Dr. Carmelita Graham
24 High High School Drive
Egg Harbor Townsip, NJ 08234
​Tel: 609-653-0100
Apr. 2-9
School Closed - Spring Break