High School Course Offerings:
Business Ethics (CP)
Grades 10-11-12 2.5 Credits
Pre-requisite: None
This semester course will provide a strong foundation in classic and contemporary theory of Business Ethics, using examples and analysis drawn from the workplace, ethical decision-making models, and a focus on self-reflection and moral reasoning. Students explore current American values and establish models as they apply to accounting, finance, marketing, human resource, and management dilemmas. Students will be using a balance of Business Ethics concepts including theory, role-plays, class discussion, and self-reflection activities that make studying ethics rewarding, interesting, and effective. Course topics are designed to focus on ethical issues with regards, but not limited, to: advertising, selling, finance, technology, human resources, personnel, and corporate responsibility.
Grades 10-11-12 2.5 Credits
Pre-requisite: None
This semester course is designed to give the student an overview of the characteristics, organization, and the operations of a business. It covers the major phases of business activity that typically form the basis for the structure of the majority of business firms. Student will develop and refine business management skills using virtual business simulations. Aligned with FBLA-PBL (Future Business Leaders of America), students will be able to build their business and leadership skills to develop an understanding of corporate business operations.
Grades 11-12 5 Credits
Pre-requisite: Recommendation of current English teacher
This course is eligible for dual credit from ACC. Introduction to Business is specifically designed for the college bound student who plans to major in Business Administration. Students will explore the American free enterprise system, international/global business, banking and financial management, marketing, human resources, corporate social responsibility and various forms of business ownership. Students will research collegiate opportunities, internships, and careers in management in a writing-intensive environment. Students will complete a major research project that will help prepare students for the rigors of college research and writing. Aligned with FBLA-PBL, students will be able to build their business and leadership skills to develop an understanding of corporate business operations.
Grades 9-10-11-12 5 Credits
Pre-requisite: None
This course is designed to teach college prep students the basics in accounting principles corresponding with college courses in Accounting. The course examines the basic accounting cycle, primarily in the context of the sole proprietorship. This course is designed for the student who plans to major in Accounting, Business Administration, Business Management, Finance, Marketing, or Economics or any other business-based curricula. Computers are used to enhance learning and afford the students the basics to proceed with a second year in accounting.
Grades 10-11-12 5 Credits
Pre-requisite: College Accounting I and teacher recommendation
This course is eligible for dual credit from ACC. Continuing on principles introduced and practiced in Accounting I, this course explores in depth the various accounts associated with running a business such as inventory, receivables, liabilities, long-lived assets and analysis of company financial results. Students will also explore accounting for partnerships and limited liability companies and will be introduced to corporations, stock transactions and dividends.
Grades 9-10-11-12 5 Credits
Pre-requisite: Algebra I recommended. HN level requires Algebra I and teacher recommendation.
This course is specially designed for the student who wishes to learn a structured programming language in detail, which will lead to taking the AP Computer Science Exam. The AP exam is offered only in Java. This class will provide students with a basic understanding of concepts that are used in a wide range of careers in computer programming including: software engineers, video game designers, Internet/mobile application developers, information security etc. using the visual software Alice & Scratch. They will learn the language behind this visual software, Java, and be able to create mini stand alone programs. 15
Grades 10-11-12 5 Credits
Pre-requisite: Intro to JAVA and teacher recommendation
This is an advanced placement computer course for college prep students. This course in computer science is taught on a college level in preparation for the Advanced Placement Computer Science Exam. Emphasis will be placed on data structures and JAVA programming. Applications are used to develop student awareness of the need for particular algorithms and data structures, as well as to provide topics for programming assignments to which students can apply their knowledge. Note: additional out-of-class computer time may be required.
Students are required to take the AP exam.
Grades 9-10- 11-12 5 Credits
Pre-requisite: None
Students in this course will discover what it takes to survive in the real world. Purchasing a car, analyzing credit card offers, finding health insurance and making job decisions are just some of the current issues that will be presented to you. Based upon standards outlined by the Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy and endorsed by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, this course is designed to teach students the art of budgeting, banking, credit, investing and personal risk management.
This course satisfies the NJ State graduation requirement for Financial Literacy.
2.5 Credits Grades 11-12
Pre-requisite: None
One of the most important skills students can learn as they prepare for college and/or career is successful money management. This course will explore the financial aspects of earning, spending, saving, investing, and protecting the money they acquire. As they learn to become critical consumers, students will gain the knowledge to distinguish between wants and needs and gain the confidence to be able to act responsibly to achieve their short term and long term goals.
This course satisfies the NJ State graduation requirement for Financial Literacy.
Grades 9-10-11-12 5 Credits
Pre-requisite: None
This course is designed for students who wish to pursue a career in marketing, business, entrepreneurship or who simply wish to learn more about consumerism, product promotion, and advertising. In addition to providing fundamental knowledge of national and global marketing, this course will also equip students with entry level competencies in the areas of sports and entertainment marketing. Critical thinking, decision making, project based learning and technology will be used daily to solve problems faced in various business environments. Involvement in FBLA is strongly encouraged.
Grades 9-10-11-12 5 Credits
Pre-requisite: Recommended proficiencies in Computer Applications and Keyboarding
Students will learn to design, create and maintain professional-looking Web pages using basic HTML and JavaScript. After the initial introduction and use of basic markup language, students will work with Dreamweaver, Flash and Fireworks to facilitate the design ideas they became familiar with in order to speed the page development along. Students learn to link pages to each other and to other Web sites. They discover how to troubleshoot and find ways to correct their code, add links, images, tables, forms, buttons, flash movie clips, and sound to their Web documents. Students are introduced to the use of JavaScript programming, multimedia, and Java applets to develop dynamic Web pages.
Grades 10-11-12 5 Credits
Pre-requisite: Web Design or permission of the instructor.
This full year course is designed for students who have had previous Web design experience or Web Design I. Cutting- edge web authoring tools will be examined and compared with ―coding from scratch‖. Most professional Web designers use a combination of both of these techniques. Optimization of images for fast download will be addressed by using Fireworks software. Students will learn to add animation, video and multimedia to their Web pages by creating Flash movies and develop advanced proficiencies with Dreamweaver. Students will also explore emerging techniques for e-commerce and Internet Marketing opportunities.
Grades 11-12 5 Credits
Pre-requisite: Web Design 2 or permission of the instructor.
Students enrolled in Wed Design III continue to develop their skills by using advanced web designing techniques. The course will include project-oriented web management, enhance web features including ActionScripting and CSS. Upon successful completion of this course, students will have a greater understanding of web design, web graphic design, multimedia web design, and user interface web design. Students who have
Grade 10, 5 Credits Pre-requisite: None This course will study principles and theories of a child’s development from conception to age four. Students will study the impact on the role of family and care-givers in the overall growth and development of a child. This introductory course will focus on the operation of the ABC Learning Center. Teaching three and four year old children will be part of the hands-on experience. Students should register for the same academic level of Education & Training as they do for English.
Grade 11, 5 Credits Pre-requisite: Education & Training I This course will study principles and theories of a child’s development from five to eight. Teaching pre-K children will be part of the hands-on experience. This class will focus on the classroom environment, creative storytelling and parent communication. The high school student will be independently teaching the young children. Green Circle, a program of sharing, caring and respect will be directed by our high school students and presented to third graders at one of our local elementary schools. The course will include an introduction to Family, Careers and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) Career and Technical Student Organization. Students should register for the same academic level of Education & Training as they do for English.
Grade 12, 10 Credits Pre-requisite: Education & Training I & II This course is eligible for dual credit from ACC. The students will utilize learned theories and principles in a variety of classroom settings. Students will be provided the opportunity and experience to observe children; relate theories and principles to observed behaviors; design and implement age-appropriate activities for children; and develop skill in-group management. Students will complete the NOCTI (National Occupational Competency Testing Institute) test for Child Care Worker Certification. Students will be part of Family, Careers, and Community Leaders (FCCLA), a career and technical student organization. Students should register for the same academic level of Education & Training as they do for English.
Grades 9-10-11-12 5 Credits Pre-requisite: None
Consumer Science Foods class provides the student with an opportunity to gain knowledge and skill in food preparation during cooking labs. Students will learn basic cooking techniques using recipes. Emphasis on following proper procedures for safety in the kitchen is made a priority. Cooking labs alternate in combination with weekly class work about various food units and nutrition. Students successful in this course will be eligible to continue in Foods II.
Grades 10-11-12 5 Credits Pre-requisite: Culinary I
Foods I Foods II is a course for the student seriously interested in food preparation and / or pursuing the culinary arts in college or a career. Students will refine skills and techniques during cooking labs and experiment with difficult food preparation techniques including sauces, pastries and soup. Students will prepare dishes from different regions of the United States and from around the world. Cooking labs alternate in combination with weekly class work about various food units and nutrition.
CULINARY ARTS III Grades 11-12 5 Credits Pre-requisite: Culinary Arts II and teacher recommendation
Culinary Arts III is a class for students who wish to pursue a career in the Culinary Industry or Family and Consumer Science education. The course will offer students an in-depth cooking experience. Students will have the opportunity to earn a ServSafe Certification, a “gold standard” in the Culinary Industry. The four components of the course include writing a research paper, producing a product, portfolio or display, and delivering a presentation. Students will demonstrate their abilities to use 21st century skills. Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) competitive events, community service, and leadership activities provide the opportunity to apply essential standards and workplace readiness skills through authentic experiences.
FASHION AND DESIGN TECHNOLOGY I (CP) Grades 9-10-11-12 5 Credits Pre-requisite: None The Fashion and Design Technology I course is designed to expose students to hands on, clothing design and construction where students will use modern equipment and technology software to create clothing design ideas. The students will be exposed to the fashion industry and concepts of material, lines, and design techniques in clothing and accessories. The students will start with sketch drawings, advance to software design, and further expand their designs into textiles and clothing construction techniques, which will enable students to create personalized garments. The students will also gain an understanding of various careers in fashion.
Grades 9-10-11-12, 5 Credits Pre-requisite: None
Interior Design is a comprehensive introduction to interior design principles of space, form, scale, proportion, balance and rhythm. Topics include floor plans, light, color, fabrics, furniture, decorative painting, flooring, window treatments and budgeting. Students in this course will be exposed to career opportunities in interior design as well as guest speakers.
Grades 11-12 5 Credits
Pre-requisite: None
The student will study the automotive industry with emphasis on employment possibilities and utilize the Internet for additional automotive technologies. Hands-on experience enhances the learning situation for the student in the trouble-shooting practice sections. These sessions are designed to prepare the student for practical application for information learned in class. Students will be instructed how to properly maintain and repair their personal vehicles. A ogical approach, patience, and safety are strongly stressed.
Grades 11-12 5 Credits
Pre-requisite: Automotive Technology I
The student will study the automotive industry with emphasis on employment possibilities and utilize the Internet for additional automotive technologies. Hands-on experience enhances the learning situation for the student in the auto troubleshooting practice sections. These sessions are designed to prepare the student for practical applications from the information learned in class. Students will be instructed on shop safety and how to properly maintain personal vehicle as well as those of the faculty staff and community members. A safe and logical approach is strongly stressed.
Grades 12 5 Credits
Pre-requisite: Enrolled in Automotive Technology II
The class is designed for a student with a strong desire to enter the Transportation Industry after graduation. The course is taken simultaneously with Automotive Technology II to allow for additional lab time so students can further develop hand-on practical experiences that will prepare the student for post graduation experiences. Students will be instructed on shop safety and how to properly maintain personal vehicle as well as those of the faculty staff and community members. A safe and logical approach is strongly stressed.
Grades 10-11-12 5 Credits
Pre-requisite: None
This course is designed to explore electricity through laboratory activities using a project approach where practical. Emphasis is placed on the safe handling of test equipment and related specialized electronic tools. The course will cover electrical theory, symbols, basic electric circuits, electrical safety, and residential wiring techniques, as well as basic skills to be an electrician. Some background in math and/or science would be helpful. Students will work within a residential section and utilize 150 amp services.
Grades 11-12 5 Credits
Pre-requisite: Electrical Technology I
This course is designed for students interested in pursuing a career as an electronics technician. Students will learn the role of the robotic arm in assembly-line-production. Students will also learn how to construct and use renewable energy sources, and circuitry for electric generators and electric motors.
Grades 9-10-11-12 5 Credits
Pre-requisite: None
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of drafting as it applies to the world of industry. Students discover the concepts of multi-view drawing, dimensioning, sectioning, screw threads, and Auto CAD. Learn how the industry communicates with drawings and uses Computer Aid Drawings. This course would be beneficial for anyone considering a career in the industrial trades or engineering.
Grades 10-11-12 5 Credits
Pre-requisite: Computer Aided Drafting & Design
This course will focus on the design of residential homes. The student will study different house styles, standards
used in room and house planning, construction practices and making a complete set of house drawings using
AutoCAD. This course would be beneficial for anyone considering a career in architecture, the industrial trades or
Grades 11-12 5 Credits
Pre-requisite: CADD and CAAD
This course is a level three course that will build upon the principles learned in Computer Aided Drafting and Design as well as Computer Aided Architectural Design. It will explore different engineering fields with problem solving activities. Students considering a career in the industrial trades or engineering will find the course to be beneficial.
Grades 9-10-11-12 5
Pre-requisite: None
This course provides the student with the basic fundamentals of computerized graphics using the Power Macintosh computer. By utilizing the system that is foremost among graphic designers today, career opportunity becomes an attainable transition. Silkscreen printing and offset printing for T-shirts, posters, business cards, flyers, brochures, memo pads, resumes and various forms of printable material will be taught in the form of graphic design. Digital or traditional photography may be utilized in the production of all graphic projects. Students will learn how to implement digital and original art by using digital cameras, scanners and the very latest Adobe software including: Photoshop, Illustrator, and PageMaker. The study of graphic design is an excellent tool for any student considering yearbook design and journalism as it gives full hands-on approach in laying out text and graphics.
Grade 11-12 5 Credits
Pre-requisite: Graphic Arts I or Teacher Recommendation
This course is a continued study of Graphic Arts I that provides the student with the basic fundamentals of computerized graphics using the Power Macintosh computer. Digital or traditional photography may be utilized in the production of all graphic projects. Students will learn how to implement digital and original art by using digital cameras, scanners and the very latest Adobe software. It is an advanced study in which the student takes the skills he or she has learned in Graphic Arts Tech I and is challenged with more complex projects and assignments.
Grades 10-11-12 5 Credits
Pre-requisite: Basic computer operation skills, PC Servicing, understanding of Windows 95/98 operation,
understanding of applications such as word processors and Internet browsers
This course introduces the student to the underlying concepts of data communications, telecommunications and networking. It provides a conceptual view of networking fundamentals & local area networks and will bring together the acronyms, protocols, and components used in today's networks. It is the fundamental portion of the Advanced Certificate in Computer Networking, designed specifically to provide the student with a practical and comprehensive working knowledge of networking. A hands-on approach, students will construct and maintain a classroom network.
Note: Networking I and Networking II are designed to prepare students to take the ACSE Associate Network
Specialist (NANS) Certification Test.
Grades 11-12 5 Credits
Pre-requisite: Networking I
This course is designed to provide the student with conceptual and working knowledge of how Local Area Networks communicate over a wide area and the four important networking architectures in corporate environments today, TCP/IP, SNA, AppleTalk and DNA. Students will learn concepts that are important to the field of systems integration, as well as a conceptual basis for understanding network architecture. A hands-on approach, students will consult, construct and maintain various networks for other classroom networks. Note: Networking I and Networking II are designed to prepare students to take the ACSE Associate Network Specialist (NANS) Certification Test.
Grades 9-10-11-12 5 Credits
Pre-requisite: Basic computer operation skills and understanding of Windows 95/98 operations
The PC Systems Servicing and Training course provides an introduction to PC technology. This course describes what a PC is, how it works and the operating system that controls it. Starting with the basics, students will learn about components that make up a PC, take basic measurements using a digital multimeter, develop a mastery of industry standard operating systems and learn basic system troubleshooting with hands-on exercises. Students will build a computer utilizing various hardware and software. Students will study advanced techniques for evaluating, isolating and identifying several malfunctions down to the board, module or configuration level. Students, using an interactive, windows-based program, will apply the skills and knowledge gained to prepare them for the A+ certification test.
Grades 10-11-12 5 Credits
Pre-requisite: None
This course will be introducing the applications that relate to the preparation of printed materials. Students will work with digital photography. Photoshop 6.0 and Microsoft Word Projects software will relate concepts used in the communications industries to the classroom. Students will be exposed to career concepts regarding photography as well as develop a lifelong love of the pursuit.
Grades 9-10-11-12 5 Credits
Pre-requisite: None
This is an introductory course in which the student will learn basic woodworking techniques, wood identification, safe use of various hand and power tools and fabrication techniques. Students will use Computer Technology in relation to the Internet and Computer Aided Design I (CAD) to design and construct a project from a working drawing. Emphasis will be on safety procedures, use of tools, materials, and completion of required project assignments.
Grades 10-11-12 5 Credits
Pre-requisite: Wood Technology I
Wood ll is an advanced woodworking course for the student who is interested in refining his/her woodworking skills.
Each student will design and create his/her own projects using the Internet and Computer Aided Drafting (CAD).
Advanced machine techniques Computer Aided (CNC) Computer Numerical Control Router/Engraving machines
used for making dimensional signs from computer graphics design, wood lamination, wood sculpture and finishing
procedures will be covered in this course. Emphasis will be placed on quality of work and originality of ideas and
recognition of safety procedures.
Grades 11-12 5 Credits
Pre-requisite: Wood Technology II
Wood llI is an advanced woodworking course for the student who is interested in further advancing his/her woodworking skills. Each student will design and create his/her own projects using the Internet and advanced applications of Computer Aided Drafting (CAD). Advanced machine techniques Computer Aided (CNC) Computer Numerical Control Router/Engraving machines used for making dimensional signs from computer graphics design, wood lamination, wood sculpture and finishing procedures will be covered in this course. Emphasis will be placed on project management, quality of work and originality.
DESCRIPTIONS* INTRO TO BUSINESS* (HN) 2.5 credits Grade 9 Pre-requisite: Acceptance into the Academy of Law and Business This semester course is designed to give the student an overview of the characteristics, organization, and the operations of a business. It covers the major phases of business activity that typically form the basis for the structure of the majority of business firms.
INTRO TO LAW* (HN) Grade 9 2.5 credits Pre-requisite: Acceptance into the Academy of Law and Business This semester course emphasizes the structure of the government and the court system. It will also introduce students to the American legal system and basic legal concepts. Students will be expected to think critically and logically and to discuss a variety of complex legal issues.
FINANCE* (HN) Grade 10 2.5 credits Pre-requisite: HN Introduction to Business and HN Introduction to Law This course introduces students to the financial world. Students develop financial literacy as they learn about the function of finance in society and business. Topics to be discussed include income and wealth, financial institutions, business capitalization, investment-related terminology and concepts, etc. Students will also explore financial services related careers.
MARKETING* (HN) Grade 10 2.5 credits Pre-requisite: HN Introduction to Business and HN Introduction to Law This course is designed for students who wish to pursue a career in marketing, business, entrepreneurship or who simply wish to learn more about consumerism, product promotion, and advertising. In addition to providing fundamental knowledge of national and global marketing, this course will also equip students with entry level competencies in the areas of sports and entertainment marketing. Critical thinking, decision making, project based learning and technology will be used daily to solve problems faced in various business environments. Involvement in FBLA is strongly encouraged.
CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAW* (HN) Grade 10 2.5 credits Pre-requisite: HN Introduction to Business and HN Introduction to Law This course covers the basic principles of American Civil and Criminal Law, the structure of the U.S. Court System and due process guidelines. Students will also analyze and debate current legal controversies.
BUSINESS LAW* (HN) Grade 10 2.5 credits Pre-requisite: HN Introduction to Business and HN Introduction to Law This course is designed to provide an introduction to the legal aspects of business. Topics include ethics, business crimes, negligence, product liability, contracts, property, forms of business ownership, insurance, governmental regulations, agency, employment, and career development. Emphasis is placed on legal analysis and higher-order thinking skills. Students learn to solve legal problems using the issue-rule-analysis-conclusion (IRAC) approach. Simple mock trials are employed to accentuate key concepts from the course.
COLLEGE ACCOUNTING* (HN) Grade 11 5 credits Pre-requisite: Successful Completion of Grade 10 ALAB Courses This course is designed to teach college prep students the basics in accounting principles by examining the basic accounting cycle, primarily in the context of the sole proprietorship. Emphasis is on comprehension and understanding of the accounting concepts taught. Various career paths in the accounting field will be explored, including forensic accounting.
ECONOMICS* (HN) Grade 11 5 credits Pre-requisite: Successful Completion of Grade 10 ALAB Courses The national economy of the United States is a complex free market system and the world’s wealthiest country where the persistence of scarcity is evident in all classes. This course untangles some of the economy’s complexities by examining the laws that govern the U.S. economy and other economies around the world. At the same time, this course will focus on the specific mechanisms, finance, strengths and failures of the American free enterprise system. A balance of both microeconomic and macroeconomic topics will be covered in this course. This course satisfies the NJ State graduation requirement for Financial Literacy.
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS* (HN) Grade 12 2.5 credits Pre-requisite: Successful Completion of Grade 11 ALAB Courses This course provides an overview of the importance of international business and trade in the global economy and explores the factors that influence success in international markets. Students will learn about the techniques and strategies associated with effective marketing, distribution, and managing international business.
ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND EMERGING ENTERPRISES* (HN) Grade 12 2.5 credits Pre-requisite: Successful Completion of Grade 11 ALAB Courses This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills leading to the development of a business plan for small business ownership. Topics will include marketing strategies, staffing, and financial considerations.
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW* (HN) Grade 12 2.5 credits Pre-requisite: Successful Completion of Grade 11 ALAB Courses This class is a survey of constitutional law emphasizing civil rights and individual liberties. The method of teaching will include reading and discussing U.S. Supreme Court decisions. It examines a wide range of contemporary issues subject to Constitutional interpretation, introducing students to the Constitution, the fundamental concepts of Constitutional law, the role of the courts, and the legal limitations on governmental policy making. Students discuss and analyze topics including separation of powers, federalism, freedom of speech, affirmative action, the death penalty, gun control, civil rights, and individual rights. They are exposed to current Constitutional challenges and are given the opportunity to explore the relationship between law and society. Students develop skills that enable them to read and interpret Supreme Court decisions, which serve as the basis for class discussion. Debates and Moot Courts call on students to develop persuasive arguments in defense of their positions, thereby sharpening reasoning and analytical skills.
SENIOR EXPERIENCE Grade 12 2.5 credits Pre-requisite: Successful Completion of Grade 11 ALAB Courses During this course students will engage in real world experiences through internships. Students will complete weekly journals and a final culminating presentation to faculty and students of the Business/Law Academy. *Business/Law Academy courses are assigned a 10% weight to cumulative GPA. The 10% Academy Weighting is contingent upon continuous enrollment in the academy. See page 5 for details.