Culinary Academy
Culinary 1 - Course 1
Grades 10
5 credits
Pre-requisite: Culinary Program Application
This introductory Culinary Arts class provides the student with an opportunity to gain knowledge and skill in food preparation during cooking labs. Students will learn basic cooking techniques using recipes. Emphasis on following proper procedures for safety in the kitchen is made a priority. Cooking labs alternate in combination with weekly class work about various food units and nutrition. Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) competitive events, community service, and leadership activities provide the opportunity to apply essential standards and workplace readiness skills through authentic experiences. Students successful in this course will be eligible for recommendation for Culinary Arts II.
Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism & Event Management - Course 2
Grades 9
5 credits
Pre-requisite: Culinary 1
This is a course for the student seriously interested in food preparation and/or pursuing the culinary arts in college or for a career. This course provides exposure to all aspects of the hospitality industry including but not limited to: historical, tourism, hotels, casinos, food and beverages, restaurants and meetings and conventions. The course includes an overview of the hospitality and tourism industry in the United States specifically and within a global context.
Culinary 2 - Course 3
Grades 11
5 credits
Pre-requisite: Food Safety and Restaurant Management
This is a course for the student seriously interested in food preparation and/or pursuing the culinary arts in college or for a career. Students will refine skills and techniques during cooking labs and experiment with advanced food preparation techniques including sauces, pastries, and soups. Students will prepare dishes from different regions of the United States and from around the world. Cooking labs alternate in combination with weekly class work about various food units and nutrition. Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is encouraged as competitive events, community service, and leadership activities provide the opportunity to apply essential standards and workplace readiness skills through authentic experiences. Students successful in this course will be eligible for recommendation for Culinary Arts III. **Students are eligible to earn the National Restaurant Association’s ServSafe Food Handler course and certification.
Culinary 3/Career Experience - Course 4
Grades 12
5 credits
Pre-requisite: Food Safety and Restaurant Management
This class is for students who are interested in a career in the Culinary Industry or Family and Consumer Science education. The course will offer students an in-depth cooking experience. Students will examine standards, hazard analysis and critical control points in the foodservice industry. Components of the course include in-depth research projects, producing a product, portfolio or display, and/or delivering a presentation at state competition. Students will be given an opportunity in the fourth year of programming to gain on-the-job training through field experiences and catering events.

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